Spring is in the air which means tryouts are approaching. Both Freshmen and Sophomore Division tryouts will be held Saturday April 16th at the Hoyle School Complex.
Please arrive EARLY, so players can check-in. Check-ins will be held at the picnic tables near the snack shack (under the big metal canopy) and then once the coaches are ready all players will meet on Field 4.
Freshmen Division will begin at 12:00pm
Sophomore Division will follow the freshmen division and start around 1:00pm.
Instructional and Minor Divisions DO NOT need to try out. They will have their first meeting April 24th at 3pm. Instructional will meet at the snack shack. Minors will meet at Field 2.
There is still time to sign up if you have not yet done so. Visit our website at www.swanseasoftball.com
SGSL will be having our annual Field Day on April 10th at 12:00pm. This is the day we clean up the complex and get the fields into playing conditions for our players! Coaches and assistant coaches will help prepare the fields along with our incredible volunteers. We appreciate all who would like to volunteer. Let us know you're able to volunteer or just head on over!! Help is always welcomed!!
